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Installation | 2015

The installation work below is a Mini-Retrospective, created by Elias Wakeem.
It ties together different pieces, made along a journey, throughout four years of studies at Bezalel Academy for Art and Design in Jerusalem.
Within the work, Elias explores the ways of different identities, like political or sexual, and deflects the social construct, in which a gallery works.
The Mini-Retrospective, included works from the following mediums: Painting, Printing (Lithography/Etching/Photo-etching), Photography (Digital and Wet-Plate Collodion), Video, Sculpture, Fashion and Performance (Documentations).
A major live performance show took place during the opening of the exhibition, where the artist had security bodyguards on the door, whose job was, checking the ID’s of the audience wishing to join the space. The artist wrote over the entrance door, “Opening day: For V.I.P. Only", as in- Very Important Palestinians, which implies that, any other person who do not identify as Palestinian wouldn't be able to enter, unless having a V.I.P. PASS. The show was opened by a DJ set, and a closed event as a part of The End-of-the-Year Show, at the academy. This opening event, usually has over 4000 attendees, every year.
Any person who wasn't allowed to enter the exhibit, could do it only the day after and on.


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